• Cornhole

    For those of you who have not played the game yet, why not? It is a great way to spend a night with your family and friends.

    The concept of the game is not difficult; sink as many of your four bags in the hole of the board at the opposite end of where you are standing. Now, actually doing that, can be a little more difficult but it is fun to try.

    The two boards are placed so that the center of the holes are 32′ from each other. You can play individually or in teams. Taking turns throwing one bag at a time with your opponent, you throw all four and then add up the score.

    Each bag that lands and stays on the board is worth one point and a bag that sinks in the hole is worth three points. So, if you landed two bags on the board – you have two . If your opponent sunk one and stuck one on the board – they have four. Now as far as the score goes, your opponent gets two points toward the total score of the game since they had four and you had two. The bags cancel each other out and who ever did better gets the remainder of the points.

    You continue throwing each round until someone reaches 21 points to win the game.

    You will find that everyone there will want to play and you will have to take turns if you do not have more than one set of boards. So, make sure that you have a comfortable place for everyone to sit because the night will go on forever. You will even have to find some outdoor lights for when the sun goes down.

     February 22nd, 2010  Andrea   No comments

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